Our Remote Curriculum Offer
These are the Principles and Policies for the Remote Learning at Hoyland Springwood:
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to parents, carers and pupils about the Remote Learning that Springwood will offer when National or Local Restrictions require entire cohorts (bubbles) to remain at home.
The Senior Leader responsible for Quality Assurance of the Remote Learning offer in school is Mrs Hunt (Headteacher).
The Senior Leader responsible for Quality Assurance of the Remote Learning offer in school is Mrs Hunt (Headteacher).
What should my child expect from immediate Remote Learning in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?
Your child’s first few days of Remote Learning will be different from our standard approach. This allows us to take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of Remote Learning.
In the first couple of days, learning will consist of:
- paper learning sent from school,
- learning activities and 'To Do's' set on Seesaw and Purple Mash,
- reading books or other learning materials at home,
- watch and engage with Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) videos on YouTube,
- TT Rockstars and Numbots independent learning.
In the first couple of days, learning will consist of:
- paper learning sent from school,
- learning activities and 'To Do's' set on Seesaw and Purple Mash,
- reading books or other learning materials at home,
- watch and engage with Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) videos on YouTube,
- TT Rockstars and Numbots independent learning.
Following the first few days of Remote Learning, will my child be taught the same curriculum as they would be in school?
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.
We follow the same progression documents and long term plans as we do in school.
We follow the same progression documents and long term plans as we do in school.
How long should my child spend on the work set by school each day?
Our Remote Learning is planned to be equal to the core teaching in school.
It includes a mix of recorded and live direct teaching time alongside time for pupils to complete tasks independently.
The amount of Remote Learning provided is a minimum of:
Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average
Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day on average
Please the timetables below which show how much time each daily learning activity should take.
It includes a mix of recorded and live direct teaching time alongside time for pupils to complete tasks independently.
The amount of Remote Learning provided is a minimum of:
Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average
Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day on average
Please the timetables below which show how much time each daily learning activity should take.
What will the learning timetable look like for my child each day?
The expectation is that learning set will be completed each day. When learning is completed can be flexible around parents who work and where there are multiple children in the home. The main time that learning is at a specified time is when your child's class teacher is carrying out their live teaching on Zoom and take their class register.
Below are the class timetables for Remote Learning:
- Mrs Brown's Squirrels = 10.00am
- Mrs Hoyle's Ladybirds = 10.45am
- Mrs Fear's Nightingales = 9.15am
- Miss Rooney's Moose = 11.30am
- Mrs Parker's Kingfishers = 2.00pm
- Miss Waugh's Mainstream Resourced Provision (RP) = 11.00am
Below are the class timetables for Remote Learning:
How will my child access the online Remote Learning?
Daily learning is posted to the web-based Seesaw platform and live learning takes place through Zoom. All pupils have a login.
During periods of school closure, the school provides a daily timetable for learning between 8.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. to facilitate a structure and routine as well as to encourage pupils to feel part of the school community. We appreciate that not all families will be able to work in this way and as such we post pre-recorded videos and activities that can be accessed at any time of day.
There are also a number of other online tools we use in school:
- TT Rockstars
- Numbots
- Classroom Secrets
- Purple Mash
During periods of school closure, the school provides a daily timetable for learning between 8.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. to facilitate a structure and routine as well as to encourage pupils to feel part of the school community. We appreciate that not all families will be able to work in this way and as such we post pre-recorded videos and activities that can be accessed at any time of day.
There are also a number of other online tools we use in school:
- TT Rockstars
- Numbots
- Classroom Secrets
- Purple Mash
Reading at Home
One of the most important things that your child can do a home is to read. To support them reading book or ebooks, please see the top tips below:
One of the most important things that your child can do a home is to read. To support them reading book or ebooks, please see the top tips below:
If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access Remote Learning?
We understand that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access Remote Learning:
- Paper packs will be produced weekly to support Remote Learning. This can be delivered by school staff. These learning opportunities are in line with learning in school and support independent activities away from the screen. Photographs of paper-based learning should be uploaded to Seesaw for teacher feedback and support. Completed paper-based work can also be collected weekly when new learning is sent home to support those unable to submit completed work online.
- We will loan laptops or tablets to pupils. Parents must contact school by phone or email if single or multiple devices are required.
- We will offer data SIM cards to allow the creation of a mobile hotspot to enable an internet connection. Parents must contact school by phone or email if data is required:
How will my child be taught remotely?
We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
- Live teaching (online lessons) will occur daily using Zoom. Every day, staff will deliver online learning to the whole class. Delivery to groups or individuals will also occur throughout the day based on modelling needed to complete an activity, assessment and differentiation along with intervention.
- Recorded teaching. These lessons are a mixture of White Rose Maths, BBC Bitesize, RWI and Oak National Academy lessons. We also use video/audio recordings made by class teachers themselves.
- Printed paper packs produced by class teachers. These paper packs will be a mixture of work that can be completed without adult explanation or activities to complete after watching videos posted on Seesaw. These paper resources support the children to complete work away from the screen after watching the videos on Seesaw. They can watch the videos numerous times, as that is the teaching they need in order to complete the activity and practise skills being modelled before the learning is completed on the paper resource.
- Reading books pupils have at home.
- Commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences.
- Purple Mash online activities.
What are the school's expectations for both my child’s engagement and support to be provided by parents and carers at home?
We expect all children to engage with home learning each day they would normally be in school. We would encourage all pupils to participate in daily reading and complete their literacy and numeracy work every day at minimum. We understand that school work may need to work around the working day for parents and it may not work for your family to follow the school timetable for the day. We encourage all children and families to do their best and do what you can.
We would encourage parents to establish a daily routine to support your child’s education wherever possible. We appreciate some days are more difficult than others for families and work commitments can hinder support for younger children from parents. However, pupils in Key Stage Two will generally be able to access their remote learning independently and have means to contact the teacher through the comments on Seesaw if they need further support.
Parents, Carers and Pupils can contact their Class Teacher through Seesaw daily and throughout the school day.
Remote Learning and in-school learning will continue to be celebrated on Facebook and in weekly celebration assemblies. 'Online Learning Champions' certificates will be awarded each week and class teachers will continue to recognise individual achievements.
We would encourage parents to establish a daily routine to support your child’s education wherever possible. We appreciate some days are more difficult than others for families and work commitments can hinder support for younger children from parents. However, pupils in Key Stage Two will generally be able to access their remote learning independently and have means to contact the teacher through the comments on Seesaw if they need further support.
Parents, Carers and Pupils can contact their Class Teacher through Seesaw daily and throughout the school day.
Remote Learning and in-school learning will continue to be celebrated on Facebook and in weekly celebration assemblies. 'Online Learning Champions' certificates will be awarded each week and class teachers will continue to recognise individual achievements.
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Class staff check Remote Learning throughout the school day and in the evening.
Some classes set learning intentions at night for the day after or first thing in the morning. This ensures that learning is always current.
Staff check Seesaw throughout the day providing feedback, assessing understanding and setting additional challenges and support as needed for individuals.
Parents and children can contact their teachers throughout the day on Seesaw if there are difficulties with learning. Class teachers will then set additional learning, videos or live teaching to reteach the learning any pupil is having problems with.
Any children not completing Remote Learning will be contacted at home and parents will be spoken to.
Contact may be by text or phone call from the class teacher or SLT. This is so teachers can communicate with parents around any difficulties or barriers they face and work together to resolve the situation.
If parents are trying to enforce engagement and are struggling with the engagement of their child(ren) we encourage parents to contact school and speak to their class teacher or the PSA. Together we will look at ways to improve engagement of the children.
Some classes set learning intentions at night for the day after or first thing in the morning. This ensures that learning is always current.
Staff check Seesaw throughout the day providing feedback, assessing understanding and setting additional challenges and support as needed for individuals.
Parents and children can contact their teachers throughout the day on Seesaw if there are difficulties with learning. Class teachers will then set additional learning, videos or live teaching to reteach the learning any pupil is having problems with.
Any children not completing Remote Learning will be contacted at home and parents will be spoken to.
Contact may be by text or phone call from the class teacher or SLT. This is so teachers can communicate with parents around any difficulties or barriers they face and work together to resolve the situation.
If parents are trying to enforce engagement and are struggling with the engagement of their child(ren) we encourage parents to contact school and speak to their class teacher or the PSA. Together we will look at ways to improve engagement of the children.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children.
All work posted by pupils will be marked. When this work is posted in the evenings, any marking and feedback will not be given until the next school day. We will ‘like’ or ‘comment’ on pieces of work through the Seesaw, therefore all completed work needs to be posted on Seesaw. Each child should receive personalised, developmental feedback via audio/Zoom/Seesaw on their learning for that day. If additional support is needed, parents or pupils can contact school by sending a message on Seesaw and the class teacher will contact you when they are able to.
Children can also feedback to the teacher during their remote ‘live learning’ sessions during the day. Where it can be seen that a child has not understood their learning from their work, the teacher will arrange a 1-1 session via Zoom to reteach.
Teachers will regularly respond back to work set between 8.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. daily. To manage teacher workload and personal circumstances work posted on an evening will be responded to during the next school day.
When teachers assess the learning in Zoom or on Seesaw, any children struggling or needing intervention will have additional live teaching opportunities where assessment and progress can be discussed.
All work posted by pupils will be marked. When this work is posted in the evenings, any marking and feedback will not be given until the next school day. We will ‘like’ or ‘comment’ on pieces of work through the Seesaw, therefore all completed work needs to be posted on Seesaw. Each child should receive personalised, developmental feedback via audio/Zoom/Seesaw on their learning for that day. If additional support is needed, parents or pupils can contact school by sending a message on Seesaw and the class teacher will contact you when they are able to.
Children can also feedback to the teacher during their remote ‘live learning’ sessions during the day. Where it can be seen that a child has not understood their learning from their work, the teacher will arrange a 1-1 session via Zoom to reteach.
Teachers will regularly respond back to work set between 8.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. daily. To manage teacher workload and personal circumstances work posted on an evening will be responded to during the next school day.
When teachers assess the learning in Zoom or on Seesaw, any children struggling or needing intervention will have additional live teaching opportunities where assessment and progress can be discussed.
How will you work with me to help my child if they need additional support from adults at home to access Remote Learning?
We recognise that some pupils, for example, pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access Remote Learning without support from adults at home. We understand the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support these pupils in the following ways:
- Remote Learning can take place at any time of the day - where there are multiple children of various ages and when parents work from home. Organisation and timetabling of teaching and learning has tried to take this into account
- Remote Learning for younger children, especially in FS2, takes place within the EYFS curriculum. Children are set indoor and outdoor activities that encourage real life language and social skills, communication and basic literacy and maths.
- Independent learning in FS2and KS1 is supported by learning packs.
- We provide additional support to any child needing it. This is in line with interventions that would happen in school or 'in the moment' intervention based on assessment of learning or concern from the child. This will be done via Zoom calls from staff in school to those at home. Invites will be sent on Seesaw.
- Children with an EHCP in either of our Resourced Provisions (Mainstream and HUB) are provided with Remote Learning in line with their development and following a similar structure to what happens in school. Paper learning is delivered weekly. Seesaw is used to set additional learning tasks and feedback. Where pupils are able to use Zoom successfully, this is used to teach and to stay connected with SEND pupils at home.
Here are some ideas to put on website as links to support home learning for children with SEND
Natural Readers Natural Readers is a professional text to speech programme that changes any written text into spoken words. It also highlights the words as it reads and you can change the voice. You simply need to upload the document or PowerPoint, or alternatively copy and paste the text into the box and click “Play” in the top left hand corner. Make sure you have either Chrome, Safari or Firefox installed. It doesn’t work well with Internet Explorer. |
Colorveil Colorveil is available on Windows devices and is useful for anyone who finds an overlay helpful. The application adds a colour filter over your desktop, internet browser, document or program. You can choose what colour filter to use and it is easy to turn on and off. |
If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their Remote Learning differ from the approach described above?
When individual pupils need to self-isolate, but the majority of their class group remains in school, the Remote Learning provided will differ from the approach for whole groups.
In order to ensure individual pupils self-isolating are taught a planned and well-sequenced curriculum with meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects, we will provide the same learning that pupils receive in school from day one. When we are restricted by resources for example, we will ensure that the resources are provided at the earliest possible opportunity in the meantime we will provide a different activity related to the subject.
As class teachers are teaching throughout the school day, it may not be possible to respond to work post on Seesaw immediately. The class teacher and Teaching Assistant will endeavour to be in touch at some points in the school day and if not at the end of the school day to provide some feedback.
In order to ensure individual pupils self-isolating are taught a planned and well-sequenced curriculum with meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects, we will provide the same learning that pupils receive in school from day one. When we are restricted by resources for example, we will ensure that the resources are provided at the earliest possible opportunity in the meantime we will provide a different activity related to the subject.
As class teachers are teaching throughout the school day, it may not be possible to respond to work post on Seesaw immediately. The class teacher and Teaching Assistant will endeavour to be in touch at some points in the school day and if not at the end of the school day to provide some feedback.
Support for Parents
We recognise that this remote way of learning is alien to many parents and understand the pressures that this may well put families under. As a result, we are keen to support you and have the following in place for parents to access.
Each day, parents can contact their class teacher through Seesaw or by calling the School Office to discuss their individual difficulty. Class Teachers will provide support remotely to children with an individual difficulty.
Teachers will make contact with children who are not engaging in learning through Seesaw. They will work with parents to overcome the barriers to learning.
Ongoing support:
'Questions & Answers' videos will be developed based on the needs of our parents. We have asked and will continue to ask parents to send questions through our Facebook page that staff will answer, either individually or by making a video of a frequently asked question. These videos will then be posted here on this page.
We are currently considering if a weekly Zoom meeting 'drop in' is needed so that all parents can join who have any questions relating to Remote Learning. This will provide opportunities for parents to ask questions and find out the most effective ways of supporting children at home.
We recognise that this remote way of learning is alien to many parents and understand the pressures that this may well put families under. As a result, we are keen to support you and have the following in place for parents to access.
Each day, parents can contact their class teacher through Seesaw or by calling the School Office to discuss their individual difficulty. Class Teachers will provide support remotely to children with an individual difficulty.
Teachers will make contact with children who are not engaging in learning through Seesaw. They will work with parents to overcome the barriers to learning.
Ongoing support:
'Questions & Answers' videos will be developed based on the needs of our parents. We have asked and will continue to ask parents to send questions through our Facebook page that staff will answer, either individually or by making a video of a frequently asked question. These videos will then be posted here on this page.
We are currently considering if a weekly Zoom meeting 'drop in' is needed so that all parents can join who have any questions relating to Remote Learning. This will provide opportunities for parents to ask questions and find out the most effective ways of supporting children at home.
Further advice and support for parents can be found here: