Admissions to Hoyland Springwood
Children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August are admitted to Reception at the beginning of the Autumn term (September) of that academic year, usually on a full time basis.
However, the School Admissions Code makes provision for all children to be admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday. You will be offered a full-time place from September.
Under rules issued by the Government, parents have the right to apply for a place at any school in Barnsley or surrounding district regardless of their address.
To enable us to plan effectively for a child’s education it would be helpful if parents of pre-school children, who would like a place at our school, could register their child’s name with the LA at the appropriate time. Application forms can be found in the Authority’s Handbook, which will be distributed from the School or copies can be collected from the Education Department.
Hoyland Springwood Primary School has an Admissions Number of 30 which means that a maximum of 30 children can be admitted to the Reception year group each September. If the number of applications at the school exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria are used by the Local Authority to allocate places:
Key Stage 1 class size is an issue of which parents should be aware; full information is in the LA admissions booklet. A copy of which is available from the LA Admissions Section on 01226 773689.
When the school is full, applications may be refused, although it should be stressed that in such cases parents do have the right to appeal via the Education Committee to an independent Appeals tribunal. In the absence of an appeal, parents will be expected to approach another school with an admission request.
All decisions regarding the admission of children to school rest with the Local Authority. The school can not give an opinion of the likelihood of a particular child being admitted.
Currently, both out provisions are full
The school has a two resourced provisions for children with significant communication and interaction difficulties. Places within the provision are allocated by Barnsley Local Authority. Parents will not be allocated a place for their child in either resourced provision if applying to school in the usual way.
If you are interested in a place in either resourced provision and for further information, please contact Ms Jennifer Clarke - Headteacher, Kerry Hoyle - Teacher in charge of the Resource Provision or Barnsley Assessment & Review Team on 01226 773966.
Normally, children will be placed in classes according to their ability and/or chronological age. However, situations may develop when it would be impossible or even undesirable for a child to be placed in a certain class. The placement of any child in a particular class is at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Application forms for admission to school can be found in the Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Handbook which is distributed from school. Please see this advice booklet for instructions on how to complete the form and what to do next. An electronic copy is attached below, along with a link to the admissions site for further information:
Other Admissions
For further information on nursery / school admissions and moving schools, please contact the school office or the website above.
In accordance with the School Admissions Regulations 2012 and the School Admissions Code, Hoyland Springwood Primary School is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for 2025-26.
There are two minor changes to the admission arrangements;
The admission arrangements for Hoyland Springwood Primary School for 2025-26 will be determined by 28 February 2024 and will be published on the school’s website. If you have any difficulty in accessing the website then please do not hesitate to let us know.
However, the School Admissions Code makes provision for all children to be admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday. You will be offered a full-time place from September.
Under rules issued by the Government, parents have the right to apply for a place at any school in Barnsley or surrounding district regardless of their address.
To enable us to plan effectively for a child’s education it would be helpful if parents of pre-school children, who would like a place at our school, could register their child’s name with the LA at the appropriate time. Application forms can be found in the Authority’s Handbook, which will be distributed from the School or copies can be collected from the Education Department.
Hoyland Springwood Primary School has an Admissions Number of 30 which means that a maximum of 30 children can be admitted to the Reception year group each September. If the number of applications at the school exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria are used by the Local Authority to allocate places:
- First, Children in Public Care
- Second, children who have a statement of special educational needs
- Third, children with brothers and/or sisters attending the school are considered first.
- Lastly, the distance between the child’s normal place of residence and the school is measured in a straight line on the map; the closest addresses gain places until the school is full.
Key Stage 1 class size is an issue of which parents should be aware; full information is in the LA admissions booklet. A copy of which is available from the LA Admissions Section on 01226 773689.
When the school is full, applications may be refused, although it should be stressed that in such cases parents do have the right to appeal via the Education Committee to an independent Appeals tribunal. In the absence of an appeal, parents will be expected to approach another school with an admission request.
All decisions regarding the admission of children to school rest with the Local Authority. The school can not give an opinion of the likelihood of a particular child being admitted.
Currently, both out provisions are full
The school has a two resourced provisions for children with significant communication and interaction difficulties. Places within the provision are allocated by Barnsley Local Authority. Parents will not be allocated a place for their child in either resourced provision if applying to school in the usual way.
If you are interested in a place in either resourced provision and for further information, please contact Ms Jennifer Clarke - Headteacher, Kerry Hoyle - Teacher in charge of the Resource Provision or Barnsley Assessment & Review Team on 01226 773966.
Normally, children will be placed in classes according to their ability and/or chronological age. However, situations may develop when it would be impossible or even undesirable for a child to be placed in a certain class. The placement of any child in a particular class is at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Application forms for admission to school can be found in the Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Handbook which is distributed from school. Please see this advice booklet for instructions on how to complete the form and what to do next. An electronic copy is attached below, along with a link to the admissions site for further information:
Other Admissions
For further information on nursery / school admissions and moving schools, please contact the school office or the website above.
In accordance with the School Admissions Regulations 2012 and the School Admissions Code, Hoyland Springwood Primary School is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for 2025-26.
There are two minor changes to the admission arrangements;
- Where residency is shared 50:50, the address where the child is registered at the GP will be used
- Clarification on how parental disputes on school preferences are managed
The admission arrangements for Hoyland Springwood Primary School for 2025-26 will be determined by 28 February 2024 and will be published on the school’s website. If you have any difficulty in accessing the website then please do not hesitate to let us know.