Welcome to the Resourced Provisions at Hoyland Springwood Primary
To apply for either of our Resourced Provisions, your child needs to have an EHCP with specialist provision and communication and interaction identified as the primary need. Applications for both Provisions are made to the Local Authority through the EHCP Team to ensure that the school is able to meet the needs of each individual.
Please call the school for more information, applications for either Provision which are made to our mainstream school WILL NOT be accepted.
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Please call the school for more information, applications for either Provision which are made to our mainstream school WILL NOT be accepted.
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Communication Interaction Provision Information
Our team strives to meet the needs of our children who have Autism and Communication Interaction needs. They recognise that Autism is varied and complex, and adapt their practices to support each child’s progress. The Resource Provisions offers education for primary aged pupils who have Communication Interaction Needs. We have allocated spaces for fifteen pupils in our in school provision and twelve further pupils in The Hub.
Strengths of a Resource Provision
Who are the provisions for?
What are the aims of the provisions?
Working closely with parents
Once your child has been given a place, there will be a thorough transition, in liaison with yourselves as parents and with professionals working with your child. Our school works closely with parents, often with daily contact. For parents who bring and collect their child, there may be face to face meetings. For those who travel on the school bus the contact may be through Home - School Books, phone and email.
Parents who need transport there is further information here: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/children-families-and-education/schools-and-learning/school-travel/school-travel-for-children-with-special-educational-disability-or-mobility-needs-send/
What your child will learn?
All pupils in the Provisions have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated where appropriate based on thorough on-going assessment incorporating Engagement model, Development matters, progression steps, Autism Progress and National Curriculum Targets, alongside individual targets. We aim to engage pupils in exciting and stimulating learning opportunities that are based around their interests, using specific supports to ensure that each individual makes progress not just academically but especially in the skills they will need for independent living.
Different approaches in support
No one single programme or approach is followed at Hoyland Springwood and we vary based on the child's need. We may use :
* Core Vocabulary Boards (VB)
* Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
* Intensive Interaction
* Makaton
* Positive Behaviour support strategies
* Social Stories
* Social Safety training
* Life and independence skills
More information on accessing help for your child with SEND
You can find out more information about getting support for your child with SEND and the local offer on our SEND web page. Click the 'Local Offer' link below
Our team strives to meet the needs of our children who have Autism and Communication Interaction needs. They recognise that Autism is varied and complex, and adapt their practices to support each child’s progress. The Resource Provisions offers education for primary aged pupils who have Communication Interaction Needs. We have allocated spaces for fifteen pupils in our in school provision and twelve further pupils in The Hub.
Strengths of a Resource Provision
- developing and encouraging children's learning by using their strengths and special interests, both as an incentive and as a reward
- using play as an essential part of children's learning through both adult and child led activities, building trust and developing social and emotional learning
- providing many and varied opportunities for the children to learn life skills and independence both in their personal life and in their learning
- providing a curriculum that means children can be included at which ever stage of life development they are at
Who are the provisions for?
- Children that are within their primary phrase of education
- Have an EHCP of SEND within which there is a diagnosis of Autism and Communication interaction needs identified as the primary need
- Require access to a high adult : pupil ratio
What are the aims of the provisions?
- To provide intensive specific teaching methods tailored to each child's need and an specifically designed environment that is low in sensory stimulus. Equipping pupils with the appropriate strategies to enable them to become successful learners.
- To provide pupils with Autism to access the mainstream environment and interact with peers. Providing them with learning opportunities in a supportive environment.
- To provide detailed ongoing assessments for pupils to determine future educational needs.
Working closely with parents
Once your child has been given a place, there will be a thorough transition, in liaison with yourselves as parents and with professionals working with your child. Our school works closely with parents, often with daily contact. For parents who bring and collect their child, there may be face to face meetings. For those who travel on the school bus the contact may be through Home - School Books, phone and email.
Parents who need transport there is further information here: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/children-families-and-education/schools-and-learning/school-travel/school-travel-for-children-with-special-educational-disability-or-mobility-needs-send/
What your child will learn?
All pupils in the Provisions have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated where appropriate based on thorough on-going assessment incorporating Engagement model, Development matters, progression steps, Autism Progress and National Curriculum Targets, alongside individual targets. We aim to engage pupils in exciting and stimulating learning opportunities that are based around their interests, using specific supports to ensure that each individual makes progress not just academically but especially in the skills they will need for independent living.
Different approaches in support
No one single programme or approach is followed at Hoyland Springwood and we vary based on the child's need. We may use :
* Core Vocabulary Boards (VB)
* Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
* Intensive Interaction
* Makaton
* Positive Behaviour support strategies
* Social Stories
* Social Safety training
* Life and independence skills
More information on accessing help for your child with SEND
You can find out more information about getting support for your child with SEND and the local offer on our SEND web page. Click the 'Local Offer' link below